Nazuna tells Ryuzo that Midori will be used in a Hiruko endosymbiont experiment, using the green soulstone as a catalyst. Nakiami and Yango leave the village only to see it attacked by a fleet of Northern Government army airships. Nakiami feels she needs to return to her village to help her people, but Yango grabs her arm in order to prevent her from going back. He expresses his fear that she will be killed and he will once again be alone in the world. Kujireika, in the main sanctuary, devours a black soulstone to transform into an all powerful Xam'd, and she wipes out all the soldiers unassisted. Meanwhile, Akiyuki and Haru search for the entrance to the Quickening Chamber. Haru gives Akiyuki an antidote formulated by his father and after describing to him what Azami had told her, they are approached by a man wearing a cloak named Shiroza.